A fence can add beauty and value to your home. But it’s important to consider the effects of your fencing project before you start.
The burgeoning phenomenon of global fence ecology profoundly impacts wildlife and ecosystems. For example, a new livestock fence across the border between Mongolia and China stifles gazelle migration routes. Contact Summerville Fence Co. now!

Fencing is a popular home improvement project that improves privacy, protects pets and children from danger and deters unwanted intruders. It’s also a way to add value to a property and can make neighbors feel more at ease around each other. Homeowners can choose from a wide variety of fence materials to suit their needs, budget and landscaping aesthetic. Local climate should be a major factor in determining what materials are best for a fencing project, as certain types of wood can better withstand weather elements than others.
Cedar fences are a good choice for wet climates as they have natural rot resistance, but other wood types can also be used depending on the specific conditions in an area. Pine is a good choice for fences in any style, but it is soft and can be prone to dents due to impacts or twisting during high winds.
Composite fences are a great option for people who want a wood-like look without the recurring maintenance and repair issues. Made from recycled plastic and wood, they are an environmentally friendly option with a long life span. They come in many different colors and designs to match a landscape design.
Vinyl is a newer material for fences that has grown in popularity over the past few decades. It is a synthetic material that does not warp or rot and requires little maintenance. It comes in a variety of colors and styles to match any home, and it’s resistant to insects. While it is more expensive than other options, it is a cost-effective investment over time.
Brick walls are termite-proof, fireproof and generally windproof but can be damaged by freezing temperatures or plant growth in the soil. Masonry fences can also be prone to cracking over time. It’s common for homeowners to combine masonry with another type of fencing material for both design and budget purposes.
Steel fences are made from hard, thick bars that provide protection and security for a yard or garden. They’re rust-resistant and can be painted to match the home, although they cannot be cut through with standard cutting tools. They are very heavy, though, and may require special equipment to install.
Post Hole Digging
Fencing is a huge job, and it’s one that requires careful planning to ensure the success of the project. Whether you’re creating an electric fence to keep livestock in your garden/orchard or a wooden fence for aesthetic purposes, all fences are made of posts that need to be securely anchored in the ground. A solid post hole is a vital part of a sturdy fence, and it can be challenging to dig. However, there are some steps that you can take to make the process easier and less laborious.
When it comes to digging a post hole, it’s important to be precise and work like a professional. This will help you achieve the best results for your fence installation. For starters, always prepare the site ahead of time and remove any plants or other obstacles that could get in your way. This will save you a lot of time and effort during the actual digging process.
You’ll also need to choose the correct tools for the job. A spade or shovel will be sufficient for most situations, but if the soil is especially rocky, you might need to use a digging bar to loosen the soil. You can also buy power augers, which are ideal for this type of work. They are much more effective than a regular spade or shovel and can help you get the job done faster.
Getting the right depth for your post holes is also crucial. A good rule of thumb is to dig the hole at least half as deep as the fence height above ground level. This will ensure that the post is stable enough to withstand any weather conditions. A tape measure will be necessary to ensure that you’re digging to the proper depth.
Some homeowners choose to pour concrete into the hole once it’s dug. However, this can lead to the fence becoming unstable over time and it’s not a good idea for anyone to try to do it on their own. A better alternative is to fill the hole with rocks/slate/gravel and sand which will give the post stability without the need for concrete.
Setting Up Posts in Concrete
While it’s possible to build a fence without concrete, the best way to ensure that your posts stand straight and true is by setting them in concrete. This helps ensure that the posts are secure and able to withstand heavy weight. For this project, you’ll need fast-setting concrete (such as Quikrete Post Mix) and a concrete mixer or a drill with a posthole digger attachment. If you’re building a long fence, it’s also worth investing in a string line to help you keep your posts perfectly straight.
To start, dig the holes for your fence posts. They should be about 2 times as deep as the height of your fence above ground, and they should be positioned on a level plane. Make sure that the holes are square with each other and that they’re aligned with any gates that you want to build, as well.
Once the holes are dug, add gravel to each hole. This will help with drainage and allow water to drain away from the post’s base. Then, pour in your concrete. It’s best to use a concrete mixer, but if you don’t have one, you can still get a good result by hand-mixing the concrete. When the concrete is ready, add the post and tamp it down to ensure that it’s set.
When your concrete is set, you’ll need to wait about four to six hours for it to cure. While you’re waiting, you can prepare the rest of your materials.
Before you begin constructing the actual fence, speak with your neighbors and local authorities about your plans. It’s important to confirm that you aren’t building a fence on someone else’s property or encroaching on public land. In some areas, you may be required to have a permit or pay a fine if your fence isn’t built properly. To avoid this, ask your local planning department for a map and ensure that you’re building the fence on your own property. Additionally, be sure to check with the neighboring homeowners or local building regulations official about any restrictions regarding fence style and height.
Installing the Fence
A fence adds value to your property and can help delineate boundaries between properties. Depending on the type of fence, it can also provide privacy and security. When it comes to installing a fence, homeowners often have the option of hiring a company or doing it themselves. While there are benefits to working with a company, many people find that doing it themselves is easier and cheaper than they might expect. Besides saving money, it can also give them the flexibility to choose exactly what they want in terms of materials and styles. This can be particularly helpful to those with a very specific idea in mind, as some companies might be limited in what they have to offer.
Before starting, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with any local laws or regulations that might impact your fencing project. This can usually be found on the website for your city or county. During construction, it is important to prioritize safety and follow all directions. Taking the time to do this will ensure that your fence is safe and structurally sound.
Begin by clearing the area where you plan to build your fence. This will allow you to work safely and make room for any construction equipment that might be needed. Once the area has been cleared, it is a good idea to measure the distance from the property lines to where you plan to install your fence posts. This will help you determine the proper lengths of fence rails, posts, and panels.
When you have determined the location of the first post, mark it with stakes or spray paint. It is a good idea to start at the highest point on the property and work down, spacing posts evenly along your line. Make sure to brace the posts as you go, especially if you are building on sloped ground.
Once you have dug and seated the first post, you can begin to install your fence paneling. Take your time and be sure to check each new piece of paneling for plumb using a carpenter’s level.